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21 Barclay Street, Heywood, VIC, 3304


For a small town Heywood certainly punches above its weight, and HRH is making every effort to ensure it can hold up its end of that bargain.

HRH has come through the 2019 Barwon South West region ICT Cybersecurity attack followed by the Coronavirus Pandemic – in remarkably good shape, and the Board of Directors are keen to make sure it stays that way.

While the Board is mostly local we are currently looking at succession planning for new Board Directors with a high level Board Succession Planning workshop held with Fi Mercer from GovernWith in December 2022.

New Board Director applications are currently being considered with successful candidates to be announced mid-2023, a high number of highly skilled applicants were received in this round, the highest in four years.

With a nine year Board Director term limit you’ve got to develop your future leaders early and are excited about the strong community representation.

Karyn Cook, Board Chairperson is temporarily based in Melbourne and gives credit to all the Board Directors who understand their roles very well. 

The strength of the Leadership Team and the relationship between the Board and Leigh Parker, Chief Executive Officer is very strong, but with clear boundaries.

HRH is absolutely heading in the right direction but understand we cannot be complacent about this.

Karyn Cook paid tribute to all HRH staff who play an important role in making itself “a health service of choice” in the intensely competitive job market.

For people who are thinking about choosing to work in a small rural health service and maybe moving into the community as well, our People Matter survey has demonstrated the strength of the workforce and the incredible job they do.

The Board recently got its Strategic Plan signed off by the Department of Health which was influenced by the community and overseen by external consultant, Claire Edwards.

The document was workshopped with the Board and Leadership Team which had feedback from over 600 community, residents and key stakeholders which shows these people and local organisations want to see HRH grow from strength to strength.

HRH have strong relationships with Portland District Health, Dartmoor Bush Nursing Centre, Moyne Health, South West Healthcare and Western District Health Service.

The Strategic Plan is one of three key documents for HRH, including the Masterplan which is currently being finalised and the Service Plan which is nearing the end of its five year life with a new one to be developed in 2023.

Board Director Photo from left: Max Oberlander, Caryn Lyszczarz, Cathryn Patterson, Karyn Cook (Board Director), Jill Warne and Tony Oxford. Absent was Courtney Hoggan, Lauren Easson and Jennifer Tod.