Your feedback is important. We are listening.

We welcome your feedback about the quality of care and services you have received at Heywood Rural Health (HRH). This might include what we are doing well and what we need to change.


We appreciate when you let us know about the things that you are happy with. This helps us know what is important to you so that we can build on these strengths.

You can provide compliments by completing a ‘Have you Say” feedback form or ‘Tell Your Story’ via Care Opinion Australia


We are always open to suggestions, in particular, ways in which we could do things better. Suggestions are an important part of our continuous quality improvement system.


Making a complaint is not ‘being difficult’.

If you have a concern about the care you or someone else is receiving at HRH, it is important to let us know.

Complaints are important because they can help our health service improve the quality of care and services that we provide to you and/or your loved one. Your complaint can help other people too.

We take all complaints very seriously and will do our best to look at your situation as quickly and effectively as possible. All feedback will be kept confidential, and you do not have to include your name, however, if you would like us to contact you about your feedback or complaint, we will need your name and contact details to do so.

There are several ways you can give us feedback:

  • If you feel comfortable, we encourage you to raise your concern with the staff or managers at HRH as this is often the best way to have your concern resolved.
  • Completing the “Have Your Say’ feedback form is another way to do this.
  • Making direct contact with the Manager of the area.
  • If you are not satisfied with the response, or would like more support, talk to our Quality & Risk Department.
  • If you are still not satisfied, you may contact the Chief Executive Officer.

Chief Executive Officer:
Telephone: 5527 0555

If you do not feel your complaint can be resolved with HRH, you may contact the following external agencies:

External Complaints Contacts:

Health Complaints Commissioner

Telephone: 1300 582 113 (free call) between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Lodge a complaint – Health Complaints Commissioner


Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

Telephone 1800 951 822 (free call)

What to do if you have a complaint | Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission