Are you interested in becoming a Heywood Rural Health Volunteer?
Can you spare some time to assist with?
- Leisure & Lifestyle Activities Consumer Activities
- Social Outings Community Transport Meals on Wheels Men’s Shed Gardening
- Community Health Activities
- Sharing conversations with our consumers
- General administrative functions
- Reading consumer publications (i.e brochures & fact sheets)
- Helping consumers complete surveys
Why Volunteer?
- Share the experience of a lifetime
- Make a difference
- Learn new skills
- Try something new
- Meet new people
- Be part of a team
- Experience new cultures
- Challenge yourself
Ask Yourself
- Do I have a desire to help people?
- Am I a compassionate and caring person?
- Am I independent enough to work on my own and work well as a team member?
- Can I commit to 1-4 hours a week?
- Am I willing to attend training?
- Am I willing to attend support and continuing education meetings when offered?
If you answered ‘YES’ to these questions, you may be a Heywood Rural Health volunteer candidate.
More Information
If you would like to find out how you can become a Heywood Rural Health Volunteer, please call: (03) 5527 0555 and ask for our Volunteer Co-ordinator.